Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still not a fan of Tofu

Well, despite numerous times of trying it, I have found that I am still not a big fan of tofu. It's okay in hot and sour soup but I haven't found anything else that makes it appetizing for me. Yesterday, I had a frozen brown rice and vegetable bowl with tofu chunks. Overall, the bowl was okay with a flavor I could not identify but I didn't care for the tofu chunks. I told my husband last night that it would not be that hard for me to make some brown rice, add frozen veggies, season it, and put it into plastic containers that would go into the freezer. I estimate that I could get 3 meals from one boil in bag brown rice and one bag of veggies for about $2. The frozen meal I had yesterday cost me almost $5. A lesson learned in my journey!

My meat-loving husband said last night's dinner of steamed broccoli tossed with penne pasta flavored with garlic, pepper flakes, and "shaky cheese" was not bad. To satisfy his needs, he munched on pepperoni slices before dinner and made a sandwich from a leftover brat after he ate the main course.

I am striving to walk more. I have Adoration on Monday nights so time to exercise is not there. However, I sneaked in exercise by walking there and back! Last night gave even more exercise because I had errands to run at the library and post office. Today, I am walking to a meeting at a building up the road from my office rather than driving my car.

Well, I'd better wrap up for today. Work beckons.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh Soy!

Late last week I started on a new "quest" so to speak. One night Jon and Jonnie went to the shooting range to pick up some packages so I had some time to myself. I decided to walk to the library. I always gravitate to "self-help" type books and that is where I ended up. One book caught my eye so I plucked it from the shelf and sat down in a chair and began to read. I've always enjoyed the columns by Dr. Andrew Weil in "Prevention" magazine. Last year, I found one of his books on tape for a steal at Amazon. The book I picked was by Dr. Weil but the title "Spontaneous Healing" also caught my eye.

I became absorbed in the book and knew that I wanted to finish it. Checking the time on my cell phone, I knew that I should check the book out and head home. Ironically enough, my "foot transport" to and from the library is one of the very things Dr. Weil recommends.

Dr. Weil's book outlines ways that we can tap into our body's natural healing abilities. Making dietary changes, natural and herbal remedies and supplements, as well as training our bodies to relax and turn to the spiritual being of our choice, I was amazed by the cases of cancers, etc that people overcame by following these recommendations.

I have started to make changes myself. I have cut back from 8 cups of coffee to 2 cups during the work week and went "coffee free" this past weekend. My new beverage of choice is a green tea. I had some withdrawal for the past few days but that is to be expected since I slashed my caffiene consumption in half. I'm also trying to replace some of my meat products with soy versions. That hasn't been as bad as it might sound. I do wish that I had taken pictures of my husband's face as he unpacked grocery bags on Saturday and saw all of these products and as he put my two "sausage" patties on the griddle yesterday for breakfast.

I also got some ideas that I'd like to explore with my parents but that is going to take some serious convincing. My Dad's stomach ulcer could benefit from ginger and peppermint but not in the form of gingersnaps or peppermint candies!

I need to run; I've got to finish getting ready for work and load the crew in the car on this Monday.

Have a Blessed Week!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Twelve years ago today

Happy Anniversary, Jon!