Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Jon's not diseased; he's just FAT!!!!!!!

The big doctor's appointment was this morning at 7 AM. After 2 and a half hours of waiting for Jon to call me, I finally called him at his office. Oops, he forgot to call me.

The last set of blood tests came back with normal iron levels so the diagnosis of hemochromatosis was incorrect. The new diagnosis for my husband's blood pressure issues is excessive weight gain. The doctor has told Jon he needs to lose at least 20 pounds and that he needs to exercise. I have encouraged Jon to join the Weight Watchers Online program with me. I might just sign him up.

I think that I will still continue trying to spread awareness about hemochromatosis but I will change my letter to reflect that my husband's diagnosis changed. We'll see how that goes.

I feel a sense of relief right now although I'm irritated that I worried about this since the 17th.

Have a great day!


At 5:49 AM , Blogger Sarah Reinhard said...

Sometimes God uses things like worry and illness to get our attention or to make us appreciate what we have (such as our health). I would encourage you to prayerfully consider if this might be a chance for your family to spend special time together, for your family to help others in some fundamental way, or something else. So being irritated about your worry is maybe not reflective - was this a miracle, perhaps? Misdiagnosed, sure. Or was he? Miracles are often those little things that go unacknowledged or dumped into the coincidence bin. Praise God that Jon's OK!


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