Sunday, July 23, 2006

Our Day at the Zoo

We had a big day today. Jonnie and I went to church. He didn't want to go at first but when I told him we had to go to church in order for him to see the animals, we finally agreed. The poor little guy was running up to see Father Pat when he tripped and fell right there in front of him! Father helped by picking up Jonnie's duck and some Thomas cards he'd been carrying. I was knelt down trying to console my crying son. Father blessed Jonnie and then we headed into church. For the most part mass went well until collection time. Jonnie did not drop the envelope in the basket right way so I pulled it from him and placed it in the basket. Woah boy! I managed to get him up and we went to the back of the church (ready to walk out the door) and Jonnie calmed down so we went back to our pew for the rest of mass.

After church we went to the zoo. We had a good time but I have gripes about what I consider a place for families not being very family-friendly. The food court is closed off to strollers. Since I was alone and I'm horribly uncoordinated I knew carrying a tray of food and Jonnie at the same time was not happening. I went back over toward the Asia Quest area to a standalone food stand where you can get some basic Asian food but also simple things like popcorn chicken & fries which is what we got. Jonnie and I shared the adult meal and I'm still full. There are a lot of areas with doors that you have to open and close in certain areas which is very hard to do while trying to maneuver a stroller so we skipped those places today. The bathroom was a challenge but "when you gotta go, you gotta go". It didn't help that I selected the bathroom near the carousel which Jonnie wanted to go on but since I was alone, I told him he could go there another time when Daddy is with us. The whole drinks without lids frustrates me, too, but I know that people were throwing straws where they shouldn't and some animals were choking. Not having a lid on my Starbucks resulted in my splashing a lot of coffee about and burning the inside of my mouth trying to guzzle coffee so that it wouldn't splash so much. The stroller smells of Starbucks and iced tea. I splashed some iced tea when I got our lunch and was trying to maneuver to a shaded table for us to eat at. I poured the iced tea into my empty water bottle so not much of it went to waste. I did manage to find my car when we were leaving. There are no signs up right now marking rows so I went solely on knowing I was closer to the front because we'd gotten there early. I was only a couple rows off so I was happy.

I'm exhausted. Jonnie took a short snooze on our drive home from the zoo. I hoped he'd fall back asleep but that didn't happen. He wanted to watch Polar Express so he's doing that as I blog. Acutally, he just walked into the office to hand me one of his Thomas cards saying it's a ticket. I'm going to sign off now.


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