Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Tonight's feature film is......

The Incredibles! We are currently on the second viewing for tonight.

I attended a enlightening seminar for work this afternoon called Public Universities, Private Lives. Boy, do I need to clean up some of my records at the office and get things in order. I kicked around hiring a sitter for Saturday morning so I could go into work for a few hours and work on that but I decided not to do that. The weather is supposed to be nice so I'm still thinking about taking Jonnie to the zoo for a few hours.

When I arrived to pick Jonnie up, he looked like a mime! I'm not sure if it was the sunscreen they used or if he was not cooperative but the sunscreen looked like mime paint on his face and arms. I planned to give him a bath when we got home but I realized we had no water. I called Jon to make sure he paid the water bill and to find out where to look in the house to find out what was wrong. We decided the problem was not the house. When the going gets tough, the tough read email and my friend Sarah mentioned that there was a water main break in town today which left the Village without water. The Der Dutchman and McDonalds had to close down because of it! Water was finally restored going on 7 PM but Jonnie told me he didn't want a bath so I tried to wipe him off with a baby wipe at one point. I'll try again before he goes to bed because I need to get the residue from his 3 bowls of cheese balls off him.

I have some postal mail I want to finish reading plus I should get back in the family room before Jonnie fusses. Several times tonight, he came in the office and dragged me out saying he wanted his Mommy. At one point he wanted to sit on my lap to watch his movie but that only lasted until he finished off his sippy cup.

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. I really appreciate it. We'll get through this.


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