Sunday, August 26, 2007

Is this Weekend over yet?

I have had one of the worst weekends in history.

After a long week at work, we just want to come home and unwind, relax. Around 9 on Friday, Jon's phone starts going off and he spent over an hour dealing with a work issue. As soon as he's done, my phone starts going off. Unfortunately, my issues did not get resolved until 1:30 PM on Saturday. I was up several times during the night with my phone going off and then with Jonnie climbing into our bed, Jon's alarm going off, and then my phone going off. After my phone went off at 7 AM, I got a quick shower because I had to load Jonnie into the car and go into work. Our phone system ended up losing it's messaging system. This was not anything that I could fix so I had to play the waiting game and was on and off the phone with our vendor. Thank goodness for DVDs on my Mac to keep Jonnie occupied. The guys on duty for the day were great, too. With just 3 hours of sleep, one cup of coffee, and a diet coke and a few cheez-its, they were willing to get whatever Jonnie wanted for lunch which was chicken fingers.

When Jon got home from his shooting match, I got to sleep for about an hour and then my phone started going off again. It went off a few more times and this was because we lost power to our colo facility and the UPS did not work properly. This was resolved before the start of the NASCAR Cup race and I barely made it through half the race.

Before I went to bed on Saturday night, I knelt down and prayed that I could sleep through the night and I did. I thought things were looking up even though we heard our good friend Wally (the Parish Grandpa) was in the hospital. We were having a great day over at OSU's RPAC. Jonnie stayed with the child care for an hour while Jon and I worked out. Then we all went to the pool. I stepped out and went to the sauna for a little bit and came back and watched the guys swim. Then we got home and there were phone messages.

The upside is it wasn't work. The downside is that it was my Mom and she had double bad news. Her sister Jean died yesterday after battling kidney and heart problems. This morning, my Dad fell in the basement and busted open his head. He had to have 24 stitches across his forehead and down his nose. Dad was very angry that Mom took him to the ER. He just wanted a band-aid! I'd say that would have to be one big band-aid! He's sore but in good spirits. He wanted to go out for dinner despite being bandaged and he wanted chocolate cake for dessert.

I'm trying to see if I can get one of the other supervisors to cover for me later this week so I can take some vacation time and drive up to Ashland on Thursday afternoon and stay with my folks until Saturday. I want to come home on Saturday because 1) I need to usher at mass on Sunday 2) the NASCAR Cup race is on that night 3) I want to spent part of the weekend with the guys and the cats.

I'd better run. Jonnie is asking for a special treat and he doesn't deserve it. He just finished throwing a fit less than 30 minutes ago with lots of back-talking. I also need to put ingredients in the crock-pot for Monday's dinner and for leftovers later this week.

I hope everyone else has a wonderful week!


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