Thursday, August 02, 2007


I didn't realize how long it had been since I posted to my blog. Now if I can remember what all we have been up to!

Jon continues his regular shooting matches in addition to helping teach classes at OSU.

Both of us have been working and working a lot. With some of the upheaval at my office I've worked some extra long days. Jon has been dealing with on-call and server issues. Jonnie has had some tummy-aches and throw-ups. With all of this, neither of us have gotten much sleep this week. I've been running around picking up birthday gifts for the guys to take with them to the birthday party on Saturday. I offered to get some food for Jon to take since the party is potluck but he said he'd figure it out when he gets up there.

I got Jonnie this cute sleeping bag with inflatable bed so he has something to sleep on this weekend. He seems to like it but it's really noisy when he is thrashing around before he falls asleep! I've been very careful not to talk about sleeping this weekend since I get to sleep in a bed this weekend since Jon gets a couch or floor. Of course, when he's tired, he can pretty much sleep anywhere but it's when he gets up that he's stiff and sore.

I have two big projects for my long weekend. I am going to be building a stone border around my wooded garden area. The garden has a slope and my mulch keeps sliding gradually into the grass. Depending on how this border goes, I might look at building similar borders around the rest of my flower beds and around the tree in our front yard. It bugs me that Lowe's and Home Depot have the same stone (I compared pictures side by side) but the stone costs twice as much at Lowe's. I despise Tony Stewart who drives the Home Depot car but when I can get my supplies for a fraction of the cost, even I will step foot into Home Depot.

My second project is organizing clothes for an upcoming yard sale. I have heaps of clothes in my closet that I plan to sell at our yard sale later this month. I need to get them out of my way because the heaps are taking over the closet floor. I'm going to price tag and fold stuff and put it in bins for the sale from my closet and from Jonnie's.

Other than these two projects, I know I have some errands to run and mass to attend on Saturday night. I might try to watch some TV to chill out a little bit. I'm going to enjoy some grilled zucchini as my friend Sandy gave me a large zucchini on Sunday when she came to our party. I'm being kind enough to wait until the guys are gone since zucchini grosses them out.

I've done some shopping to replace clothes I've pulled out to sell. Jon says this doesn't make any sense to him but it makes perfect sense to me and other ladies I've spoke with!

I'd better get back to work. I'm battling with trying not to go on vacation mentally until I get off shift today but it's been hard!

Blessings for a wonderful weekend!


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