Monday, July 02, 2007

Change Management

Where I work, before anyone can make a change to the network, the engineer must fill out a form detailing the scope of their work and the impact and it has to be approved before the work can be scheduled. We are working out the details of change management processes with another state entity with whom we're collaborating on a network project.

I read a couple of articles in Marriage magazine last night trying to get some insight on improving my relationship with my husband Jon. The two articles that I read echoed 2 big things and that was that each person needs to change and that we must have time together as a couple.

After reading those articles, I jealously laughed and tossed the magazine aside to work on laundry chores. Jon and I are both pretty stubborn so neither one of us will change easily. We cannot even have the conversations on how we should change because we have no time together as a couple. The time we spend next on fitness equipment in the cardio canyon at the RPAC does not count as quality time since there are TVs all across the front of the area and we're both focused on the one with NASCAR. Jon goes a step further to wear a portable radio so he can listen to the race and not get chastized when his Dad calls to make sure he watched the race later that night.

I got to thinking this morning, the idea of change management in relationships would be an awesome concept. Unfortunately, it's easier to plan network changes than human changes!


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