Saturday, June 30, 2007

Finally, Plaque other than on my teeth!

Sorry, I'm sure the title grossed you out but I always like to find something whimsical to lighten the mood.

Today was my third 5K of the year (probably my last due to busy schedules). Although I had my worst time of the year, I received a plaque for finishing 9th in the women's walking division. I moved things around on the buffet in our dining room so my plaque can be displayed with Jon's IPDA plaque and Jonnie's science fair certificate. I have barely exercised in the past month so I wasn't in good shape plus I got a phone call from work and I was trying to walk and talk at the same time. I almost walked into a very large deer on the trail. I can't recall if it was a doe or a buck but it was big and would have made for a lot of good eating!

My husband is slumbering through the NASCAR Busch race. Jonnie is watching TV in his room. I'm took a few minutes to write up a quick post but I had been eating bruchetta and sipping red wine in the kitchen and flipping through a magazine while watching the race in the family room.

Anyhow, I wanted to share the excitement about my plaque. If I had a digital camera, I would have someone take a picture so I could post a picture of me holding the plaque. I have a camera on my cell phone but I can't get the pictures off my phone! Unfortunately, my hubby has never grasped the hint of my wanting a digital camera so I might have to save up some money and buy one. I'd like to find one that can work with like the cameras he bought for his Dad and his brother but he bought the cameras so long ago that the technology has probably changed too much.

I'd better get back to the race. It will be time to make dinner soon. I could be eating alone if Jon doesn't wake up. It's frustrating, my husband and I finally get a chance to spend time in the same room with Jonnie in another room and he goes to sleep. I cannot even carry on a conversation with him, thus, I am reading a magazine. It's sad when you get lonely in your own house!

Have a wonderful weekend. If you get the 4th of July holiday off work, have a great day. We have the day off and since I'm in night class on the 3rd, we don't have to drive out of town this year. Last year Jon and Jonnie had to go to a party at Jon's Dad's house and I had to work. Jon opted not to do that this year.


At 10:42 PM , Blogger Sarah Reinhard said...

Congratulations to you and great work. Now, take a break! :)


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