Tuesday, May 08, 2007

My son is 4 today!

My son Jon III turned 4 years old today. It doesn't seem like it's been that long especially since I still carry some of the pregnancy weight around to this day!

Since I am not home tonight because of night school, I tried to do something special for the little guy last night but he hated it. I bought some ice cream and some magic shell. I stuck a candle in it and he blew it out. He wanted more candles but Daddy said no. He asked to be excused because he said he doesn't like ice cream. At least I got low-fat, reduced carb, sugar-free ice cream so it won't be horrible if I have a small dish occasionally.

We're having a big birthday bash for Jonnie this Saturday which should be fun. My sister-in-law graduates from Kent on Sunday and there is a luncheon for her Sunday afternoon. My mother-in-law is going to watch Jonnie so that Jon & I can attend 4:30 PM mass and have dinner together. Dear hubby keeps telling Jonnie "Tell Granny Smith that you want to go to Toys R Us". He got a bike as an early present but doesn't want to pedal and got off the bike in less than 5 minutes. Perhaps we should have bought him a rick-shaw since he wishes to be carried or pushed!

Jonnie had his first play this past Saturday and I cried like a little girl. He was a puppy dog that carried the numbers 10 and 5 in the skit based on "10 in a Bed". His class also sung "You are my Sunshine", "We are Family", and "If You're Happy & You Know It". The last song was sung in Spanish. All the classes came back on stage out of costume for a patriotic ending and I cried again during "God Bless the USA" as my son lip-synced to Lee Greenwood and waved his little flag.

I've been doing a lot of gardening but not enough to avoid a complaint that was filed against me for "debris" in my back yard. Jonnie and I were planting flowers out front and on the side of the house Friday night when a realtor showed a couple the house next door to us which is for sale. I didn't think anything of it until I found out from one of my neighbors that the builder called him to let him know the realtor and the couple filed a complaint about my back yard. Bernie was kind enough to tell the builder that he thought sure I was doing a project back there but that he'd say something to me.

To address my offensive wood pile, I went to the hardware store and bought some wire caging and stacked limbs as neatly as possible in the caging. I stacked logs behind the caging. Last year's Christmas tree is still whole but I'm using the needles; stay tuned. I have some longer limbs that need the chain saw so I've set those next to the caging until I can get Jon's help. Did I mention that I was home sick from work yesterday?

To address my offensive black plastic which I've laid out for weed control, I've covered some of it with pine needles from last year's Christmas tree. I'm going to mulch the entire area once I'm done laying all of the plastic.

My plan also includes planting some flowering shrubs and working with Jon to install a nice edging between the lawn and the wooded area.

I guess the few hours I've puttered in my yard since the beginning of April are not satisfactory. With cold weather, work, school, a toddler, and my husband's shooting schedule, I thought I was doing pretty darn good when I got the main flower beds mulched before May.

I realize the wooded area looks a little rough but I've been working on it. Jon, his Dad, and I took down a bunch of limbs and even some trees last fall. We kept the wood for our deck fireplace. I guess what makes sense to me does not make sense to others.

I have since written letters to the homeowners association and to the builder letting them know that I'm working on the back yard and the plans that I have for the area. The homeowners association seems okay with my plans but I don't know if my letter will satisfy the complaint from the realtor. I put the realtor on the prayer chain at our church last night. I asked people to pray that she learns patience as I work on my yard. I know this sounds strange but I figured channeling my anger into prayer for the realtor is far better than being angry with myself about the situation that I didn't know was a situation!

My son and I have had lots of fun in my back yard despite me getting the caution flag for debris. We play bocce, we play wiffle ball, we played soccer (until he threw his ball away), he's tried to help me with the gardens. Jon is 4 years old today and that is what matters to me even though I won't see him until late tonight.

Blessings and prayers for wonderful week!


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