Monday, August 20, 2007

Fun Family Weekend

We wrapped up a fun, family weekend yesterday. My father-in-law, our 2 nieces, and a cousin-in-law came in on Friday night. In good Italian fashion, we kicked off the weekend with a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. As usual, I cooked for an army which never showed up but we had food for 3 days. There are still meatballs left because Uncle Jon uses a bit too much spice for the kids. My father-in-law did a sleep over with the younger kids in the family room. Jon and I slept in our room while the teenage niece enjoyed having the spare room all to herself.

Jonnie had a great time playing with the kids. My father-in-law was a huge help as our garage sale expert. We didn't get rich but we got rid of extra stuff which helps with storage. At church yesterday, we saw where a collection was being taken for an Appalachian Mission so the clothes that did not sell and an old oven were donated to that cause. Since Jonnie was so busy with the other kids, I let Bill the Grasshopper return to the wild. The poor guy was not meant to live in a plastic jug for the rest of his life.

The 7-year old cousin tried to climb the stone work on the front of our house. That's the first time anyone has ever tried that before. Every play ball Jonnie had have all been trashed. The kids must have been playing some serious kickball! Uncle Jon made a fire on Saturday night and we sat on the deck roasting marshmallows for s'mores or just general eating. We put every seat in the van so everyone had a spot for the drive to mass. We took up a whole pew!

After mass, Uncle Jon made a big brunch for all of us. If it seems like all we did this weekend is eat, you are probably correct! With full bellies we watched "Happy Feet". I kept getting kicked because I was falling asleep on the floor! Everyone sat down for leftovers late in the afternoon before our guests made the drive home. Jonnie asked to be excused from the table and he ended up going to the couch and falling asleep. Everyone slipped out the door after giving Jonnie gentle kisses on the cheek so he didn't wake up. I guess that's the sign of a good weekend when all of the kids crash out for naps!

I think it's the most fun weekend we had in a really long time. My house wasn't as clean as I would have liked when everyone got in but it wasn't disgusting. I did three loads of laundry yesterday just to wash all of the blankets, sheets, and towels used this weekend. I lost count of how many times we ran the dishwasher but it was all worth it. I was exhausted by the time everyone left but I think my husband and I would do it all over again in a heart beat!

Have a great week!


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