Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sunday Feb 8th Daybook

I find that Sunday morning is my most ample time to write since I get up early for church. I woke up 45 minutes early this morning since I fell asleep WAY EARLY last night listening to the NASCAR Budweiser shoot out on the radio.

Outside: Very dark - I can faintly see part of the trellis and the dormant rose of Sharon bush.

Kitchen: Quite messy. I need to unload the dishwasher so the new dirties can go in. Now that we eat at home much more frequently, the dishes pile up much faster.

Tasks: I'm eager to revamp my front flower bed. While lying in bed before I told myself "just get up already", I had tons of ideas flying through my head not just for the front flower bed but the side beds and the back wooded area.

Nose Inserted: Since I'm eager to revamp flower beds, I'm going to open up "Instant Gardens - High Impact Makeovers that Look Great Right Now" from Miracle Gro. It was a clearance book found while in Cleveland. I also continued to read the "Daily Bible" from Guideposts, the Holy Bible, "Streetwise Spirituality", and "Sola Scriptura". I started a new book last week for the research study I'm in at OSU called "The Culprit and The Cure".

Folded Hands, Head Bowed: For the Hess Family who lost Lisa's mother suddenly. For Dixie who could not have her knee surgery due to her sugar levels. For Paula who asks for patience. For the Tracy Family who are struggling with their son's cancer which may require Hospice care. For MAZ who is supporting her husband with his health issues.

Around the House: Quiet except for the giant color printer that is humming here in the office.

Rest of the Week: I found that my pain medications are drying out my skin so I need to be vigilant about using lotion. My face which is normally oily is appearing more normal. My nose dried out and would bleed slightly so I'm using saline to moisturize which is helping. My legs became so dry that they were red so I soaked in an Aveeno oatmeal bath last night. The redness is now gone but I need to use lotion on more than just my hands to prevent the skin from getting so dry that it cracks.

That's all for today. If I don't write another daybook this week stay tuned for my special "Birthday Edition" daybook next Sunday, February 15th!


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