Saturday, November 08, 2008

Where has the time gone?

I feel like all of my days and weeks are running together. We just finished Halloween and a co-worker told me she heard Christmas carols on the radio. I haven't even sat down to make the list of gift cards I'm ordering for everyone through the St. Joseph Church SCRIP program

I'm waiting to have my next round of tests. The OSU radiology department and my doctor had a disagreement on one of my tests so I had to have the tests rescheduled. Instead of 2 MRIs, I am getting an abdominal MRI and a torso CT scan.

We're still waiting for Jon to get his van back. It will be one month tomorrow since the deer jumped out in front of him on 142. We picked up a little Chevy Cobalt rental car last night for him since he has shooting matches and classes this weekend.

All three of us have gone through a bout with the cold-flu crud that is going around. Jon was sick on Monday, I was sick Wed-Thurs, and Jonnie has been battling a cough since yesterday. We could complain but we won't.

Our good friend Kate came down last weekend from Lakewood to see us. Her visit was much too short and we can't wait until she can come again. She has a certain power over my husband that I don't. We were enjoying the weather and wine on the deck last Saturday night with a fire in the fire pit when we ran out of wine. I asked Jon to go get some more. He laughed at me. Kate said something and we later realized that he had gone to the grocery store! got cold again. Definitely not sitting outside on the deck this weekend. In fact, I'm lucky that I ran outside to put a letter in the mailbox for my Mom & Dad.

I've been selling used books and DVDs on Amazon. I've made almost $50 and sold 4 items so far. I've got a box full of things that are listed and I'm just hoping for more sales. The extra money always helps with Christmas around the corner and it helps clear out some of the clutter.

It's pretty much been the same old, same old here. Adoration on Monday nights, Tuesday nights generally free, PSR and Knights on Wednesday nights, Thursday nights free, and Friday nights are often grocery shopping (skipped that last night) and match prep. Saturdays are frequently shooting and house cleaning except last weekend which was me working a half day and just hanging out around the house being lazy which was a nice change. Sundays are always 8:30 AM mass. Tomorrow includes Jon teaching a ladies IDPA clinic and that grocery shopping I didn't do last night.

Take care everyone!


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