Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time of security is over; punishment underway

Quoting Job 36:16-21 from "The Holy Bible, Today's English Version" by the American Bible Society, 1992.
God brought you out of trouble, and let you enjoy security; your table was piled high with food. But now you are being punished as you deserve. Be careful not to let bribes deceive you, or riches lead you astray. It will do you no good to cry out for help; all your strength can't help you now. Don't wish for night to come, the time when nations will perish. Be careful not to turn to evil; your suffering was sent to keep you from it.

I turned to the Bible tonight and sought the index at the back that a break down of topics and I went to the topic of "frustration". Several chapters of Job were listed and I read them but the above verses called out to me.

I've written previously about how I've been sick and/or in pain since July and I've also mentioned that my husband has had to have some tests. We've been fortunate to find out that my husband's situation is not serious and the only requirement is a follow-up early next year. There are still no leads in resolving my pain and swelling. I'd had very little swelling until this weekend when my left side plumped up again. To add insult to injury, a deer jumped out in front of my husband on Saturday morning and significantly damaged his van. It's sitting at a local dealer waiting for an adjuster to assess it. There is both external and internal damage to the vehicle.

I reflect on the verses from Job 36 and think about how up to this point, we have been pretty lucky in our lives. Until now, illnesses amongst my husband, son, and I have been fairly minor. It appears that the time for our punishment has arrived as the quoted passage says. I did put a cry out for help but my husband is not pleased with the end result. He asked me to call my parents to borrow one of their cars. My parents would not let Jon borrow a car but will be sending a check to help cover the cost of a rental car for Tuesday through Monday so that Jon can attend a meeting on Wednesday, so that I can go to the doctor on Friday, and so that Jon can go on his hunting trip this weekend. It's unfortunate that no one trusts Jon to borrow a car but he should respect that an alternative is being offered.

We were able to enjoy our security up until July. Since July, our security has been challenged. Our relationship as a family has been challenged. We have persevered but it has not always been pretty. Tempers have flared and tears have been shed. "Date nights" are a thing of the past and have been replaced by sitting together in doctors offices and hospitals.

I try to think about what I did to offend God. Aside from meal time prayer, I try to pray quietly at least once a day, emphasis on try. I've used the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Rosary prior to tests to help calm my nerves. I have had to get a sub for Adoration a couple of times but I've been there far more than I've had a sub. I don't miss mass although my husband missed mass when he in Pennsylvania. If he'd taken the hour to go to mass instead of getting on the road sooner, could his wreck this past weekend been prevented? Was the wreck a sign that Jon should spend time at home instead of shooting all of the time?

I have far more questions that I do answers. I am hoping to determine what I need to do to help turn our lives around.


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