Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Red Rose Set

Now that Jon's room in the basement is complete, he has been going through some boxes in the storage area and deciding what remains in storage, what can be used elsewhere, and what needs to be given away. He found a box with a Red Rose Set in it. There are small cups with matching saucers, a few small bowls, two large bowls, and some dessert plates. Since the majority of the people that visit Jon's room are men, Jon didn't really want the Red Rose cups for coffee. I think the set is very pretty so I immediately brought up the box of cups so they can be washed and filled the box with mugs from the cupboard and took them downstairs. I haven't figured out what to do with the other pieces of the Red Rose Set although they might come to the upstairs kitchen so they are used.

As I look at this Red Rose cup, I first notice that I need to fill it with more coffee! Aside from more coffee, I long to know more about who had them, when they were used, where they came from.

After my battle with the "crud" (the nick-name we've given to this cold-like illness going around the office), I want to pick my husband's brain to find out what he remembers about the Red Rose Set.


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