Sunday, December 16, 2007

Finally coming together

It seems that things are finally coming together for Christmas. I didn't feel like we were ever going to get there!

The Christmas tree is finally positioned some-what to Jon's liking. He mentioned turning it the other day but the look on my face must have told him that the tree is staying the way it is. It is decorated from tippy top to bottom and it's beautiful. Last night, Jonnie wanted to know why there was an angel on the tree instead the star that we used for a couple of years. I tried to explain that Daddy and I prefer an angel over a star because Christmas is Jesus' birthday and the angel watches over all of us. I took a couple of years for us to find an angel that was large enough the size of tree we buy. Jonnie said "I don't like Jesus and I want a star!". Jon and I were both left speechless and Jon felt a sudden urge to clean the family room. A few minutes later, the foyer light and the tree lights went out. We discovered a tripped breaker for that section of the house. We forgot that we had all of the outside lights on for when the young man down the street came and asked to clear our drive and walks. It was a bit scary how the lights went out after Jonnie's very bold statement.

The annual family newsletter was finally completed yesterday morning and printed. Jon bought stamps so I spent yesterday folding and stuffing envelopes. For some relatives, birthday cards were included and gift cards for nieces and parents that we will not see on Christmas.

I bought all of the meat for the meatballs at the grocery on Friday. I bought the little star pasta for the wedding soup since I could not find orzo. I guess maybe I'll just stick with the stars to help set my wedding soup apart from Aunt Mar's. I restocked on white & brown sugars for baking cookies. I realized that I forgot to buy lots of chicken broth and that I hope to find escarole to complete my soup. I should buy more flour because we'll probably need it for rolling the ravioli as well as making cookies. Our new, big mixer came in from Amazon so that we can work the ravioli dough. It will be nice for cookie dough and later Jon's birthday cake.

The only thing that bugs me is that I'm trying to plan for possibly having family in a week from today that I don't know if they'll make it or not. My brother-in-law has been very busy at work and has been working 12 hour days 7 days a week so whether or not he and his family come down depends on work. Between the ad and a coupon book it looks like my solution will be a heat and serve prime rib, my mother-in-law's cheesy potatoes (hope I can do them justice), and vegetables. I've had my eye on some egg nog ice cream sandwiches or peppermint ice cream to have on hand for dessert. I think the cut-out cookies are a Christmas Eve project.

I should probably wrap this up. I need to start getting things together to head out for mass shortly (Jonnie definitely needs it). I'm not sure what the rest of the day brings other than bacon & eggs after mass. Maybe I'll have to sneak to the basement to watch another James Bond movie although I didn't sneak too well last night. I ended up with everyone down the basement with me!

Have a blessed Sunday and rest of the week!


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