Thursday, January 10, 2008

Reflections on this week

I thought I'd take a few moments to reflect on this week.

I was dreading this week because Jon and I had to carpool while his van was at the body shop being repaired. Despite my dread, I hated to find out Jonnie had pink eye. We were lucky that we found it on Sunday night and could get to Urgent Care and have an action plan before we officially started the work week.

Jon had meetings on Monday and I thought my schedule was clear (I did forget a conference call, oops, but a co-worker stepped in for me) so I was the one who stayed home while Jon had my car. I was rather nervous about him having my car so far away unsupervised but it all worked out in more ways than one. Jon called me on Monday morning and said "Your car (expletive deleted) stinks!". I'd been telling him since November that I thought I was smelling fuel shortly after I had some work done on it. He told me to get an air freshener. I did and my car smelled like jasmine and fuel at times. It was not until Jon was in my car driving to and from work that he realized that it did smell. He also could not believe his eyes when he looked at the gas gauge after going 40 miles round trip to work because it was down to 3/4 of a tank. I had just filled up on Sunday night.

I had the car on Tuesday so that I could go to work while Jon stayed home with Jonnie for his two required days home to allow the antibiotics to work on his eye.

Wednesday came and all 3 of us were piled into my car. I felt like a sardine. Jonnie was in his booster seat behind me. My briefcase and purse were in Jonnie's old car seat (I haven't found the directions to figure out how to deinstall it), and Jon was in the passengers seat with a bulky coat and a box of dues notices. Timing worked out and a bus pulled up right after I dropped Jon off at the bus stop. His bus was going by as I was walking from my car to the building. I offered him curbside service that afternoon and picked him up at his office where he reminded me again that my car stinks. Oops, somebody forgot to call Jim Keim, huh?

Today, we all piled in like sardines again. I dropped Jon off at his office so that I could get him early and get him to the body shop to get the van before it closed at 5. We got there with a few minutes to spare. I'm going in early tomorrow to make up time where I was late this week from carpooling. When I get off work, I have to drop off my car at Jim Keim and have Jon pick me up. I should be able to get my car back on Saturday. The good news is that when Jon called the dealership and explained the issues with my car and how it seems to be related to the work done at the end of October, they were more than willing to have us bring it over to fix it for free.

Well, Mid is sitting here pacing across my desk impatiently waiting for my chair so he can lay down for nap. We have other chairs in the house that I think are more comfy than my office chair but I think Mid likes to "blend in" with the black fabric of the chair. Wow, that was a big yawn. I'd better sign off and let my cat sleep!


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