Sunday, February 03, 2008

How did I ever go camping?

Early in our marriage, Jon and I used to take frequent camping trips. Most of them were short weekend journeys but a couple of them were several days in length. After a "slumber party" in the basement last night, I'm trying to remember how I ever survived!

My birthday is drawing near and I'm going to be another year older but I don't think 35 is THAT old!

Since our basement room is now carpeted, I thought it would be fun for me to do a slumber party or indoor camping with Jonnie last night. Although I am ushering this morning, I figured Saturday night into Sunday morning would still be better than a week night.

I got out sleeping bags and the simple pads we use when we camp. Jon offered up the air mattress but I declined. Jonnie didn't want to use a regular sleeping bag so Jon did end up inflating his inflatable bed/sleeping bag combo. I put Jon's sleeping bag under me as a second pad. I climbed into my mummy bag and ended up unzipping it and using more as a comforter. Instead of using our camp pillows, I brought down our regular pillows (I used 2 pillows).

I should feel blessed that we were not camping outdoors because I had to get up and use the bathroom a couple of times during the night. We don't have our bathroom in the basement done yet so I had to come to the first floor which I'll take over using the woods any day!

I slept decent. I can't figure out Jonnie though. He's actually sleeping more on the floor and has his bed on top of him against a chair like a tent. My back is wishing that I'd taken Jon up on that air mattress!

I'd better wrap this up. Mid is doing much better and returning to normal which means he's pacing across my desk waiting for me to get up so he can sleep in my office chair.

Have a great Sunday and a Blessed Week!


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