Sunday, September 16, 2007

Am I starting to become a homebody?

As I was sitting watching one of many "Thomas" DVDs that my son and I have viewed this weekend while sipping my apple cider detox beverage, I thought about the past few weeks and wondered if I have started to become a homebody?

I've tried to be better about doing my chores and I've actually dusted, mopped, and wiped down all of the bathrooms in the past week. I also ran the vacuum on the second floor. The first floor is a problem because I haven't gotten the toys off the floor!

I've also done more cooking and baking these past couple weeks that I think I've done in the past several years! I have done several crockpot meals over the past few weeks so that there would be hot meals when Jon got home while I worked the late nights. I made an Enchilada casserole which was like a lasagna except with tortillas and Mexican flair. It was huge and we're down to one piece being left after making over a week ago. I baked Italian sausage and potatoes with onions for a simple but very tasty treat the other night. Twice this week, I made batches of cookies. I made "no-bake" chocolate-peanut butter-oatmeal cookies for a meeting the other night. A recipe for 24 cookies ended up making 48 cookies and I wasn't being skimpy when dropping my piles onto waxed paper to set. At the meeting, I was told my cookies were "awesome". I took the leftovers to work only to find out that my son was upset because he wanted "Mama's brown cookies". Oops.

On Friday night, I got out my tiny stand mixer to make a double-batch of bar cookies that had a cake mix base. Well, my stand mixer couldn't hack 2 cake mixes, sugar, eggs, and butter and shut itself off. My bowl was too full so I could not add the large bag of chocolate chips and small bag of butterscotch chips to it. I managed to get my mix into a larger bowl and stirred all of the chips in my hand. Who needs to go to the gym? Whew. I split the mess between 2 foil pans and put it in to bake. Instead of 35 minutes, they took closer to 45 minutes to cook thoroughly. I wondered why I didn't just buy something at Kroger instead of making something. Seeing the chocolate on my son's face as he ate a bar cookie answered my question. I hope the folks attending the Adoration picnic last night enjoyed them, too. Unfortunately, Jonnie and I didn't stay past mass. I'd given Jonnie allergy medicine since I knew we would be outside with a bonfire and a hayride. Unfortunately, he ended up lethargic and had a tummy ache. I was a bit bummed not to stay and see my friends and have Jon play with other kids but it was a chilly night and spending the night inside curled up in a blanket was not all bad either.

This morning, I made waffles. I went to and grabbed a recipe that I liked and printed it off. Despite a cupboard full of cookbooks, I find I get more recipes from this website than my cookbooks! I got out everything from the pantry to make waffles. Jonnie pulled a chair up to the island to watch me. Once I got the batter mixed, he got bored and ran away. He came back in time to have part of the first waffle off the waffle iron. He likes his waffle cut into strips so he can dip it into syrup. He just polished off 3 small sections of waffle for lunch! I got 5-6 large waffles out of the recipe. The large waffles break down into quarters which fit into the toaster for reheating. It was nice to "Leggo of the Eggo" and make homemade for a change!

I have chicken thawing in the frig to put together a chicken and potato crock-pot recipe to cook tomorrow while we're at work. Even though I'm back on my normal work schedule Mondays can be rushed since I have Adoration at 7 PM.

I hope everyone has a great week and that you have some tasty meals!


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