Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Sitting in Silence

I believe my friend Sarah had either done a blog posting or sent an email regarding the act of sitting in silence. She talked about sitting silently during one of her Adoration hours. The idea behind sitting in silence is that you sit in the silent presence of God and you don't think about all of the other things in your life.

Well, I tried this during my Adoration hour last night and failed miserably. I am in day 2 of a horrible headache and I was having trouble reading last night. I thought since reading was difficult that I would try sitting in silence. How hard could it be?

Woah! It was hard and as I said earlier, I failed. To help guide my effort to sit in silence I tried repeating in my mind "I am one with God". Since I don't have a watch that fits (too big!), I don't know exactly how long I tried this but here is a "transcript" of how things went.

Jodi: I am one with God

brief silence

Mind: I wonder why all 4 students want to meet with me tomorrow? Did I make them mad? Is this about the colo? Wait....STOP!

Jodi: I am one with God

brief silence

Mind: Jon's attitude is driving me nuts! I'm sorry his blood pressure is acting up but he's got to stop being such a jerk. I mean, he completely lost it yesterday over a shower head and...Wait....STOP!

Jodi: I am one with God

brief silence

Mind: What am I going to do with Jonnie? Overall, he's not a bad kid but he's starting to get a bit mouthy and he fights us so much. He really honked Jon off last night by kicking him 3 times and Jon was starting to scare me....Wait....STOP!

Jodi: I am one with God

brief silence

Mind: There is so much to do around the house but I am only one person. I don't know why Jon couldn't have fixed that back splash in our bathroom; I mean, all it took was some super glue. Oh geez...I need to get clear caulking to caulk the back splash in our bathroom, Jonnie's bathroom but I don't really know how to caulk so should I hire someone? Wait......STOP!

As you can see, I was fighting a losing battle with my mind. Does this mean that I'll never try this again? No, I'll try again. Will I succeed? I won't know until I try again.

It's a challenge to sit in silence. I've been praying for strength from Mary, the Mother of God, to help me fill my roles as wife, mother, and daughter. I figure that's a good place to start. Maybe next I'll look up Patron Saints for my other roles as (interim) Dad, handyman, student, and housekeeper.

Blessings for a great rest of the week!


At 10:30 PM , Blogger Sarah Reinhard said...

In fact, you're right! I have posted about it here. (Not that I'm any good at it, mind you.) I also recently read this post that made me look at my distractions a different way. See if it doesn't help you to look at them as "half full" instead of "half empty."

And don't forget: we aren't called to be perfect. We're called to follow, which involves stumbling. God's got to pick us up, and help carry us, and have our complete trust. It's a journey, and you're not alone! :)



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