Monday, January 29, 2007

Chicken Soup

It's only a little after 9 AM on Monday morning and I have a pot of chicken noodle soup cooking on the stove. In a few minutes, my boxed soup with the addition of cannned chicken breast will be ready.

I apparently picked up a bug or ate something that seriously disagreed with me. I was in and out of bed, on and off the toilet most of the night. I finally slept between 3 AM and 7 AM. I figured I'd have Jonnie at home with me and try to keep him entertained with TV most of the day since I am not at work today. I'd left a note for Jon on the shower that I was sick & not going to work. Shortly before 7 AM, Jon brought Jonnie to the spare room where I'd gone to sleep so he could kiss me goodbye. Jonnie was walking for Daddy since Daddy cannot carry him. I'd wanted to ask Jon to take him to school but I was afraid. Jon has gotten upset with me in the past for taking sick days and he's gotten frustrated with the time off I've taken to assist my parents. He understands why I want to help my Mom after each of her eye surgeries but feels I should make someone else do it.

Who would help? My Dad only stands for a few minutes at a time to talk with me on the phone every once in a while. He also is not allowed to drive. Sure, Mom has friends but one has a store plus grandchildren she cares for and a husband in ill health. The other friend has taken Mom to previous doctor's appointments but I don't expect her to stay with my parents overnight to help!

Chicken soup nourishes the soul. I know, there's a whole line of books on that and they even have a pet food line (I'm not joking, I saw it a couple weeks ago). Today's soup is Mrs. Grass's Extra Noodle. I can smell the soup and the rich chicken broth. I imagine the warm soup filling my tired and achy body on this cold day. I imagine the warm soup filling my tummy which is rumbly. The chicken broth, lots of thin noodles, and chunks of chicken nourishing my body while the warmth nourishes my soul.


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