Tuesday, January 02, 2007

General Updates

I have a few minutes so I thought I'd take some time to post some general updates.

First, I hope everyone had a great New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Our family did not do much on either day but that was welcome considering I had just gotten home on Sunday afternoon.

Jon made himself a lasagna for his birthday on Sunday. I told him I'd make him a lasagna since he got a cake at work. Being out of town because of my Dad's injury put a monkey wrench in making the lasagna for him. Jon said he was really looking forward to it and decided to make it himself. It's absolutely delicious; I gobbled up 2 pieces for dinner Sunday night. I'm looking forward to a leftover piece for tonight's dinner.

We had French Toast and bacon to start our New Year's Day. It was a leisurely day which was nice. I spent most of the day writing thank you notes, birthday cards, Knights of Columbus membership cards, and letters to family on my Mom's side for whom I only have postal mail to communicate. I took a break in the afternoon but by 9 PM last night, my right arm was tired from all of my penmanship efforts. Of course, my hardwork was a bit in vain since there is no mail delivery today. Oh well!

Dinner last night was exciting. When Jon baked his lasagna, some of it spilled onto the bottom of the oven. I forgot about this. Mom gave us some stuffed pork chops so I put those on a bed of sauerkraut and put them into the oven. I went into the office to read email and came out to find the kitchen filling with smoke! Nothing was on fire but the stuff on the bottom of the oven was smoking. We had windows open and fans running until the chops were done. After the oven cooled, I sprayed oven cleaner in it and I need to wipe it up when I get home from work today.

I checked in with my Mom to see how my Dad is doing. He's in a better mood than he was on Sunday when he was checked into the rehab facility (I'm working very hard not to call it a nursing home). The physical therapy is more extensive at Kingston than it was at the hospital but Dad is still doing well. I guess yesterday, Dad took a walk using a walker with my Mom and a therapist up to the front desk. The therapist had her attention diverted for a brief moment and found my Dad taking off down the hall with his walker on his own. Mom said he got reprimanded for breaking the rules. I guess the food at Kingston is as bad or worse than the hospital. I might consider asking if I can bring in lunch for my Dad on Sunday and get him a lunch and a piece of pie to go from Perkins so he has a nice meal on his birthday. I'll have to call and ask what the restrictions are.

I should probably close up for now. I was in at work by 6:20 AM because there were reports that I had not done last Friday since I took off for Ashland so quickly. Everyone has been really understanding both at work and at church where I missed my ushering committment on Sunday morning. How many people turn in a medical note to their church? I did because that's how guilty I felt! I also sent thank you cards to the woman I was supposed to usher with for stranding her on Sunday and I also sent one to the parents of the young man that filled in for me.

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