Monday, January 08, 2007

A Day with Dad

Yesterday, I drove to Ashland after mass to see my Dad on his birthday. It was a great trip (minus the crappy weather on the drive home). Mom and I had lunch at Perkins and got a "to go" order for my Dad. When we got to the rehab center, my Uncle Bobb, Grandma Woodruff, and Aunt Dorothy were there. They left and my Mom's friend Lou and her husband Ted stopped in. All of the visits with the hugs and cards made Dad pretty teary-eyed. Dad liked all of his gifts with I think the Dulce de Leche Oreos and the Buckeyes book being his favorites. To avoid anymore tears, I shook Dad's hand and said "GO BUCKS" really quick to get him to laugh before I left.

Dad is doing really well. He can get around really well with the walker and we took a walk while Mom & I were there. It's weird seeing him with a walker though. He does have some pain and his foot on the side where his hip was fixed was swollen. He sees the surgeon on Friday for a checkup. I am hoping that he'll be back home by my birthday (February 15th) as I plan to come up for that weekend 16th-18th. I just sold the Bluejackets tickets Jon bought me and will give him back the money. I can't take a gift from him this year since he's done so much while I've been helping my folks.

I have to run to a meeting so I will close. Thanks for all of the prayers of support!


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