Saturday, February 03, 2007

Mommy & Jonnie Days

Yesterday and today are "Mommy & Jonnie" days.

The day care center was closed for in-service yesterday so I took a vacation day to watch Jonnie. We went to Kroger and did our grocery shopping in a mini-blizzard. That went pretty well and Jonnie only talked me into a box of powdered donuts which wasn't on our list. We also played trains, did puzzles, read books, watched movies, and even took a nap!

Today, Jon had to go to a work-related function for part of the day. I was up early and braved the cold to go to Sam's club during business member hours. Our Sam's has a gas station but I told Jon that I wasn't going to fill up the car in single digit temperatures so I have to go out later today after he gets home from work. It's at least 14 degrees now (feels like -2) which is much better than it was a few short hours ago.

I've gotten quite a bit done this morning as Jonnie watches the Disney channel. I swept and mopped the kitchen floor, changed the sheet on Jonnie's bed (he had a big leak), and dusted all of the rooms on the first floor. I'm done with time to spare before "Handy Manny" comes on!

I have some laundry to do so I think I'll put a load in. Believe it or not, I even emptied and loaded the dishwasher last night. I absolutely hate doing that and try to put it off long enough that Jon will do it.

I think Jonnie went to play trains so I'd better go.

Have a great weekend! Stay warm with some hot coffee or hot chocolate (maybe some mulled wine?). The big game is on tomorrow and we're making 3 different flavors of wings to eat with chips & salsa. Yummy!


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