Thursday, August 07, 2008

Test update

I had the colonoscopy today and the results came back negative. So, we're back to the drawing board.

Since doctors have not been able to provide answers, I asked my husband what I should do next. He had medical training as an athletic training so he's no medical slouch. He thinks my pain could be either my kidneys, pancreas, or liver. I started taking vitamin, antioxidant, and supplement packs by Dr. Andrew Weil back in June. He said it's possible my diaherra incident and the pain I have no could be completely unrelated. He asked me to stop taking my Dr. Weil packs and to go back to my regular Centrum multi-vitamin. He thinks that perhaps the packs that I have been taking might be toxic to my body. I spent over $200 on the stuff from Dr. Weil but with the co-pay for my doctor and the co-pay for the ER I've almost spent that same amount. So, I am going try what Jon suggested. I packed up a box of supplements, antioxidants, and vitamins shortly after we got home. I got out on my one bottle of Centrum and put one pill in the AM slot of my pill box.

I appreciate everyone's prayers. I wish I had something more definitive to report.


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