Saturday, February 24, 2007

Time flies when you're having.....

normally, this is completed by the word "fun". I'm not sure I'd describe this week as fun.

Monday and Tuesday weren't bad. Tuesday was a long day because we're trying to catch up from 2 missed classes so my class went until 9:30 PM. Driving home in the murky fog wasn't a treat but I made it.

Wednesday was pretty wild. I wasn't expecting to slide on our street but when I started to, I realized that I'd better let off the gas pronto. Then, well, the fog was like trying to drive through mayo! This was only the tip of the iceberg.

Jon had to go out and get supplies for the fish fry during his lunch break. He came out with all of the stuff and found a flat tire on the van. He can't lift the van, tire, etc. since his surgery so he had to wait for AAA to send someone. Luckily, they sent someone who also did tire repair so the tire was patch after a 4-inch nail was removed. When the tire was reinstalled, a lug nut snapped off. This is the second one in less than a year. The tire was secure but Jon set off to try and get it fixed. Ha! The soonest anyone could fix it is today. Jon ended up taking the rest of the afternoon off work at this point so he ran a couple other errands while he had time. However, time started to run out when he looked at the clock and realized that he was supposed to come by the house to pick Jonnie & I up at 4:30 so we could get a parking spot and seat for the 5 PM Ash Wednesday prayer service at church. Well, Jon must have been trying to make up for lost time on one of our back roads and got busted. I guess trying to get to church on time isn't a valid excuse for speeding. Jon finally gets to the house at 4:45 to pick us up.

At this point, things did start to look up. I thought sure we'd be walking a million miles to the church and standing. The church was practically empty and remained that way! I was very surprised. Perhaps now that we have the activities center with ample parking and seating more people decided to attend mass. Perhaps others had bosses like Jon's who wasn't going to let him off work early for mass (odd thing out it worked out that the tire ended up causing him to get the time off).

I've been going into work early a lot not only to get things done but to also prove my dedication to the organization despite my taking time off recently to assist family with medical issues. I was in really early yesterday at 5:45 AM. I'd woke up at 3 AM and couldn't get back to sleep. I was laying awake trying to decide what to do at Easter and Mother's Day with regard to my parents. I was trying to figure out where Jon and Jonnie would stay since my father-in-law's place is packed now that his girlfriend's son and his family moved in with them. I've been trying to collect info so that I can try to convince my folks to sell their house and move down here so we can be closer.

I was really beating myself up about how I've treated my parents over the years. Jon's family came first because they are the ones with all of the important parties that you have to attend. With the recent health concerns, I've felt horrible about all of the holidays my parents sat at home alone with only a phone call from me to wish them glad tidings. I proposed to Jon that he leave me in Ashland for both Easter and Mother's Day weekend. He didn't like this because Mother's Day weekend is also a celebration for my sister-in-law's college graduation and maybe a birthday party for Jonnie. I apologize for the language but I quote what I said to Jon "No one will give a shit if I'm there or not as long as I come through with the gifts". It's true - Jodi is the money and gift machine while Jon contributes nothing even to his own family!

Okay, I am starting to droan on and on which is good therapy but part of my plan was to get studying done although Jon hadn't told me wanted me to get up at 5:40 AM. I had my alarm set for 6 but his went off first. Funny how he's still in bed!

Have a wonderful weekend, stay warm, and stay safe!


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