Friday, December 01, 2006

DOH! A deer!

My blog title is a bit of a play on words based on my drive to work this morning.

I pulled out of our subdivision and in less than a mile you're in an area that is farmland. It's dark, misty, murky and I was just getting up to the 50 mph speed limit when I thought I saw something.

I looked again and hit the brakes! Just inches from walking in front of my car were two does. Honestly, the word that went through my head at the time I was hitting the brakes was not "DOH!" but this is a family blog so it edited it and thought it was a cute play on words.

I'm a card carrying member of the NRA so I have nothing against hunters or guns and I've enjoyed many tasty morsels of venison from my brother-in-law's hunting success. The thing that frustrates me about hunting season is that with the deer running for their lives they're heading for the road ways! I understand they're trying to survive but many of them still end up "dead meat" when they encounter a car instead of a shot gun.

On a completely unrelated note, my night class I've been taking finished up last night. Only 2 of us showed up for the last class. Class was shorter even with filling out the evaluations. I really enjoyed taking this night class. It was a challenge trying to get my reading done, trying to pack lunch & dinner (I occasionally got take out), and falling behind in my chores. During the 8-week class, I also worked with the department of transportation for 3 weeks to get the light at the one back road fixed. It wasn't ODOT's fault that the power company dragged their feet; the guy I worked with at ODOT was awesome. I found the night class energizing because it exercised my mind outside of work and was a break from fictional character movies that my son watches repeatedly.

I'd better close up for now. I have a meeting to go to for my day job. My blog is still in a pending state with Pay Per Post so your prayers that I get approved so I can start making money is appreciated. I'd like to be able to pay my Dad back the money he gave me for the work I am getting done on my car next week.


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